When You Neglect Calcium, You’re Neglecting Your Crops
You probably already know that calcium is an important factor in your crops’ health. It’s one of the most basic elements required for strong plants, and can help with:
Proper cell division and elongation
Proper cell wall development
Nitrate uptake and metabolism
Improved soil structure and biologicals
Protection from stress and disease
While many know that it’s important, not everyone knows that you likely need to supplement what’s already present in your soil to get the best results. Just like sulfur, calcium is a nutrient that many farmers think they don’t have to worry about.
When we put this assumption to the test, we found that the key issue is not the presence of calcium, but the crops’ ability to use the calcium. Calcium is not mobile in the plant, so any new growth will need new calcium to grow strong and healthy—it cannot pull existing calcium from older parts of the plant.
The best way to deal with this issue is to use a fertilizer that can continue to release nutrients over time. When we created SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer, providing nutrients when and where they are needed was one of our primary goals. Now, with our patented formula, SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer can provide calcium to your crops throughout the growing season, resulting in stronger plants and higher yields.