Calcium Clarified: Soybeans

Calcium Clarified: Soybeans

As the quest for higher-yielding soybeans advances, balanced fertility will be required to push yields higher. Proper crop nutrition goes beyond the macronutrients of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Soybeans also need secondary nutrients, like calcium to grow and thrive. In fact, calcium plays an essential role in numerous physiological processes throughout the soybean plant.     

The Benefits of Calcium for Soybeans 

Specifically, calcium is essential for soybean plants in the following ways:  

  • Cell Division & Elongation: Calcium ions act as secondary messengers to help regulate the function and performance of all the cellular structures inside of the soybean plant. This promotes proper development and growth of soybean plants, ensuring the formation of healthy tissues, leaves and fruiting mechanisms.   

  • Cell Wall Development & Strength: Calcium acts as a cementing agent between pectin molecules to strengthen cell wall structure. This process enhances the rigidity and integrity of plant cells, providing mechanical support and protection. Proper cell wall development and strength are critical during the reproductive stages when the plant is maturing pods and beans.  

  • Nitrogen Uptake & Metabolism: Calcium helps to regulate nutrient assimilation in soybeans by influencing the activity of transport proteins responsible for nitrate uptake from the soil. These enzymes are also involved in nitrate metabolism, ensuring efficient nitrogen utilization from various physiological processes, including protein synthesis and energy production.  

  • Abiotic Stress Reduction: Calcium helps mitigate the impact of abiotic stressors, such as drought and salinity. The nutrient plays a protective role by activating stress-response pathways and promoting the synthesis of stress-related proteins. This helps enhance the resilience of soybeans to unfavorable environmental conditions.   

  • Disease Resistance & Defense Mechanisms: Calcium contributes to the defense mechanisms of soybean plants against common diseases. It acts as a signaling molecule, triggering defense responses upon pathogen attack. Calcium-dependent proteins are also involved in the activation of defense responses, including the synthesis of antimicrobial compounds and reinforcement of cell walls. This enhances soybeans’ ability to resist and overcome various diseases.   

  • Soil Structure & Biological Activity: Calcium is vital for maintaining soil structure health and promoting biological activity in the rhizosphere to support nutrient cycling and overall soil fertility. Calcium also improves soil aggregation, preventing compaction and enhancing water and nutrient retention.  

Overall, calcium is important for promoting plant health and productivity in soybeans. Understanding how calcium works in the soybean plant is crucial for facilitating optimal growth and development. With 100% plant-available nutrition, SUL4R-PLUS® calcium-sulfate is an excellent option for helping soybeans meet their calcium and sulfur requirements for robust yields.