Get the Most out of Your Fertilizer with SUL4R-PLUS

Fertilizer prices are rising, and that makes your decision of which to buy even more important. It’s imperative that your investment give you the highest yields possible and improved nutrient efficiency, which is why you’ll be interested to hear that SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer field trials the past several years demonstrates improved nutrient uptake of primary, secondary and micronutrients resulting in optimal plant health and dramatic yield increases.

Particularly exciting is that SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer isn’t crop specific, it provides calcium, sulfate, and some fulvic acid, nutrients that most every crop need, so no matter what you’re growing, you can expect to see increased yields. Don’t take our word for it though, see the data for yourself in this summary presentation . Our research shows that the use of SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer increases yield, improves quality of crops, increases nutrient uptake, and generates more revenue on the acre.  

A chart featuring results from a soybean trial in 2021

In a 2021 soybean trial in Nebraska, SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer showed an average yield advantage of 3.65 bu/acre above AMS and 5.12 bu/acre over Grower Standard. It’s also more affordable per acre than AMS, giving you more bang for your buck. For even higher yields, try SUL4R-PLUS B+Z, which supplies additional nutrients to your crop making them stronger and healthier. With the addition of calcium, sulfur, boron and zinc, a 2018 soybean trial in Williamsburg IN found increased yield and gross revenue per acre versus the grower standard.

Date Treatment Ca% S % B ppm Zn ppm
6/25/2018 CK-FS 0.99 0.27 36 25
6/25/2018 1.05 0.3 43 31
8/20/2018 CK-FS 2.5 0.23 44 33
8/20/2018 FS+SUL4R-PLUS BZ 2.81 0.21 43 43
Treatment Yield Bushels/Acre Gross $/AC @ $9.00/BU Gross $/AC Difference
Farmer Standard 66.8 $601.20
FS + SUL4R-PLUS BZ 71.2 $640.80

While you consider your fertilizer options over this winter, keep in mind what the science says. SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer is a reliable choice for securing higher yields. And as always, SUL4R-PLUS fertilizer has the additional benefits of being a homogeneous granule, superior spread, fluvic acid, low salt, dust free application and ease of use. To learn more, visit