Bulk Up Your Winter Wheat: Increase Protein with SUL4R-PLUS
We all know the industry has been seeing a lot of challenges, and it’s not over yet. This article from Argus Media Group, Global wheat market braces for high-protein shortage, states, “The global wheat market is heading for an imbalance in the supply of high and low-protein milling grades this year, as above-average yields in the northern hemisphere have resulted in a lower-protein crop for the 2022-23 harvest.”
Luckily, SUL4R-PLUS can help North American wheat producers this winter. Thanks to season long plant-available nutrients, our fertilizer not only improves yield, it also improves the quality and protein content of winter wheat. Just take a look at this trial from Meyer Farms in Washington County, IL.
Dave Meyer has been a longtime SUL4R-PLUS client who’s seen the benefits firsthand. Dave uses SUL4R-PLUS on his wheat and in 2018 he shared with us that he was able to increase his yield by at least 10 bu/acre and 1-2 pts on test weight, which are numbers worth paying attention to.
Find out what SUL4R-PLUS can do for your wheat operations and how it can help the protein shortage.